Naturopath Puberty

Puberty is the period in which an individual undergoes physical and hormonal changes that result in the development of sexual characteristics and reproductive capacity.

This transitional phase typically begins between the ages of 8 and 13 for girls, and 9 and 14 for boys, and lasts until the age of 18 or 19.

During puberty, the body experiences significant changes, including the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as breast growth and body hair for girls, and facial hair and a deeper voice for boys.

In addition, both genders experience growth spurts, which can result in significant increases in height and weight.

Hormonal changes during puberty can also impact mood, behaviour, and cognitive development, leading to the emergence of new interests, hobbies, and relationships.

While puberty can be a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable period for some individuals, it is a natural and necessary part of the human life cycle that prepares the body for adulthood.


Girls and puberty

During puberty, a girl’s body undergoes significant physical changes that prepare her for adulthood and childbearing. 

One of the first signs of puberty in girls is breast development, which typically occurs between the ages of 8 and 13. 

This is followed by the growth of pubic and underarm hair and the onset of menstruation, which marks the beginning of a girl’s reproductive capacity. 

Along with these changes, girls also experience growth spurts, which result in significant increases in height and weight. 

Hormonal changes during puberty can lead to mood swings, acne, and body odor, among other things. Girls may also experience changes in their voice, which becomes deeper and more mature. 

Overall, puberty is a complex process that involves multiple physical, emotional, and cognitive changes, all of which are necessary for the healthy development of a girl into a woman.

Puberty in Boys

Puberty in boys is the period in which the body undergoes physical and hormonal changes that prepare them for adulthood and reproduction.

The onset of puberty in boys usually occurs between the ages of 9 and 14, and can last until the age of 18 or 19.

During this time, the body experiences significant changes, including the development of secondary sexual characteristics such as the growth of facial hair, the deepening of the voice, and the growth of body hair.

Boys also experience growth spurts during puberty, which can result in significant increases in height and weight.

Hormonal changes during puberty can also impact mood, behaviour, and cognitive development, leading to the emergence of new interests, hobbies, and relationships.

While puberty can be a challenging and sometimes uncomfortable period for some boys, it is a natural and necessary part of the human life cycle that prepares the body for adulthood.

Why see a naturopath puberty


There are several reasons why a teenager might choose to see a naturopath like Leah during puberty.

Clinical Naturopathic treatments are a form of alternative medicine that focuses on natural remedies and holistic approaches to healthcare.

Leah as a clinician naturopathic and nutritionist may be able to provide guidance on diet and nutrition, which can be especially important during puberty, as the body undergoes significant changes and requires a healthy and balanced diet to support growth and development.

Additionally, Leah as a naturopath and nutritionist may be able to recommend natural remedies for common problems such as acne, menstrual cramps, or mood swings, that may be associated with puberty.

Leah can use herbal tonics, teas and supplements complement to traditional medical care, providing a more comprehensive approach to healthcare that can improve overall well-being.

Overall, a naturopath can be a valuable resource for girls during puberty, providing guidance on natural and holistic approaches to healthcare that can support healthy development during this transitional period.

However, it’s important to note that a naturopath should not be a replacement for medical care and consultation with a medical professional is recommended for any health concerns.

Naturopathic clinician

Leah is a mum and grandma. Having been there for her son and daughter during puberty and now her young granddaughter is starting puberty. 

Leah is very easy to talk to and is not judgemental. She understands the mixed emotions that a teenager goes through. The difficulty of media telling you what you should be like. Although not a counsellor she is able to listen to you and what you are struggling with. 

Read more about Leah 

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