Embracing Menopause Workshop

Menopause Introductory workshop

Dive into Menopause basics with this beginner-friendly workshop. Understand the hormonal changes with nutritional support and holistic tips to ease your transition.
*Hot flushes
* Mood changes
* Sleep
* Libido
* Heart Health
* Diet and weight gain
Next workshop online only
11am , 2 January 2024
NSW Australia time

Advance menopause strategy masterclass

Take your Menopause journey to the next level.
Explore advanced holistic methods, personalised approaches, and ongoing support for a fulfilling transition into Menopause.

$1098 worth of inclusion for $890

* One-on-one personal review with a naturopath (approx 1 hour)
*Detailed personalised protocol for your journey through menopause
* In-depth monthly half-hour group discussions for 6 months
* Ongoing education about menopause symptoms for 6 months
*Private Facebook group for support to keep you motivated
*60 days supplement for either "hormone balance" or "hot flush and libido"
Added options
One-on-one discussion about other conditions
Functional testing
Supplements and herbs
Next workshop 12 Feb 2024 11 am NSW time

Naturally with Leah
Naturopath, Nutritionist
Iridology, Herbalist

Menopause, often seen as a challenging phase, can be a transformative journey when approached with the right knowledge and guidance.

We’re delighted to invite you to our empowering workshop led by Naturopath Leah, a seasoned expert in holistic health and nutrition, who has recently traversed her own menopausal path.

In this unique workshop, you’ll learn to navigate the complexities of menopause, focusing on nutrition, stress management, and self-discovery. Join us in celebrating this natural transition as a time of empowerment and renewal.

Meet Naturopath Leah

Leah is not just a naturopath; she’s also a seasoned nutritionist with a deep understanding of how diet affects our bodies, especially during menopause. HavingNaturally with Leah Naturopath central Coast Naturopath Menopause Perimenopause symptom tracker Health and wellness SIBO Diet and symptom diary Low FODMAP Diet Better night sleepexperienced menopause herself, she offers a holistic perspective, integrating her expertise in naturopathy and nutrition to guide women through this transformative journey. Leah understands the challenges, having gone through menopause during Covid she doesn’t know what to blame her 15-kilogram weight gain on. Along with the emotional changes. Join her as we laugh our way into embracing menopause.